Effective pipeline automation

Reach optimal productivity and enrich existing sales and post-sale workflows with a consistent source of truth for scope and price.

Keep every deal in sync with the Estii Salesforce integration

The Estii Salesforce integration supercharges your existing sales workflow with bidirectional updates and automatic attachments to ensure Salesforce remains your single source of truth.

Estii Salesforce integration
Estii Salesforce integration

Kick-off projects seamlessly. Export into Jira and other productivity tools

Export Estii project estimates directly into your Jira or ClickUp projects for seamless handovers and complete traceability to agreed budgets and deliverables.

Estii Jira and ClickUp integrations
Estii Jira and ClickUp integrations

Increase team momentum with workflow automations

Estii's workflow automations and data exports enable teams to integrate Estii with your existing tools including Salesforce, Jira, Slack, Excel and many more.

No-code workflow automations
No-code workflow automations

Streamline internal visibility, accountability and approvals

Eliminate outdated estimates with Estii's visual pipeline, weighted forecasts, approval workflows and automatic versioning.

Simplified approvals
Simplified approvals

Respond to opportunities faster with deal templates

Turn around quotes faster with reusable deal templates and pre-packaged products and services.

Deal templates
Deal templates

Forecast pipeline revenue and resourcing

Augment your existing sales intelligence with estimation centric insights and forecasts. Switch between full and weighted forecasts based on deal probability.

Weighted pipeline metrics
Weighted pipeline metrics

Complete commercial breakdown of every estimate

Export deal spreadsheets with a full commercial breakdown of every estimate - cost, price, margin, timeline and resourcing.

Export to spreadsheet
Export to spreadsheet

Modernise your sales-service pipeline.

Sign up for free, or schedule a chat to plan your transformation.

30-day trial. No credit card required.