What is a space?


An introduction to spaces - the top level of your organisation, containing deals, roles, streams, and common settings

Create your profile

The first time you sign up or view an invite to Estii, you will be prompted to set up your user profile (which is shared across all your spaces) and either create or join a space. These settings can be accessed later in Settings > General.

  1. Set up your account by providing a name, and optional role and avatar

    Customise your profile
    Customise your profile

  2. If creating a new space, enter a name, avatar and other details. You can also select a currency and rate (daily or hourly)

    Customize your space
    Customize your space

  3. If you were invited into an existing space, you can accept any open invitations

    Review your space invitations
    Review your space invitations

Setup your space

After creating a new space,, you will be directed into your first deal, and offered a short tour of the key features.

Space welcome message
Space welcome message

Once completed, you will be directed into your first deal, and offered a short tour of the key features.

Getting started checklist
Getting started checklist

After that you can navigate to the pipeline to access more tours from the Getting Started section.

Deal pipeline

The pipeline is the heart of your space, and the central dashboard for all your deals.

Within the pipeline, you can create, edit and track the lifecycle of deals.

The deal pipeline
The deal pipeline

You can also view pipeline metrics from the forecasts page

Pipeline forecasts
Pipeline forecasts

Roles & rate cards

A role is a unique skillset or job type that can be used in estimates

Your space contains a central repository of roles (people) and rate cards (cost, price, margin) that are used to determine the price and margin of time-based estimates.

Before you create a deal, we recommend creating or importing some roles to your default rate card.

Roles and rate cards
Roles and rate cards


A Stream is a groups of roles that typically work together on common activities or deliverables.

Roles are assigned to streams to reduce repetition of time-based estimates that require the same allocations of roles. Streams are also used to track costs associated with specific teams or deliverables.

Stream configuration
Stream configuration


A Product is a unit-based resource

Product configuration
Product configuration

Space settings

Within Settings you can manage your space details, invite and manage other members, and set default rates and currencies.

Space settings
Space settings

You can also access your personal profile settings from Settings.