

An expense is a one-off product-based estimate associated with a phase.

Services are located in Deal > Estimates > Services.

Expenses are used to estimate fixed and one-off costs associated with a deal - such as setup fees, hardware, travel, entertainment and fixed-price service packages.

For example:

  • A sone-off setup fee of $10K
  • 10 laptops at $1500/ laptop
  • 5 x domestic flights at $250 / flight
  • An entertainment budget of $20k USD

Example of one-off expenses (from the updated sample deal)
Example of one-off expenses (from the updated sample deal)

Estimating expenses

Expenses are similar to services, but without the recurring pricing. You can estimate using fixed price or product resources, and a total units (if applicable).


  • A phase can have up to 50 expenses.
  • An expense can contain up to 20 tasks
  • An expense task can have up to 20 estimates

Import / export expenses

You can bulk import and export expenses via the ... menu. You can use this to duplicate expenses between different phases and deals, or to integrate with external platforms.

CSV Format

Both import and export use the same format that supports multiple services and tasks in order.

ColumnDescriptionAllowed values/lengthNotes
ExpenseExpense nameMaximum 60 charactersRequired
PriorityExpense priorityNone, Low, Normal, High, CriticalRequired
RiskExpense riskNone, Low, Normal, HighRequired
TaskTask nameMaximum 60 charactersTasks only
DescriptionTask descriptionMaximum 240 characters, supports multiple lines if wrapped in “ “ quotation marksTasks only
ProductThe name of an known resource (product)Maximum 20 per TaskTasks only
EstimateThe number of units to includeNumber (float)Tasks only
UnitThe unit type of the productThe unit type of the productTasks only

CSV Example

Misc,None,None,"One-off commencement fee to set up account, run workshop",,Setup fee,1,none
,,,Staff equipment,,Hardware,5,unit