Deal updates


Learn how to update deals and keep them in sync with your space

Changing space resources and settings

Admins can change space level resources and settings at any time, without having to worry about existing deals suddenly changing.

When a deal is created, it stores a copy of the latest space resources (roles, streams, products) and estimation settings (currency, capacity, contingency, work units, etc). These are used to calculate cost, price and margin.

You control when and how these resources are updated.

Update deal notification

When changes are detected, the update deal notification banner will appear at the top of a deal providing a brief summary of what has changed.

Click review to view those changes before updating the deal.

The deal update banner
The deal update banner

Sample deals notification

Sample deals don’t use your space resources, so they cannot be updated. Instead they display a notification to that effect.

Sample deal update banner
Sample deal update banner

Review changes

The Update deal dialog displays a detailed list of upstream changes, grouped by type

  • Resource including roles, rate cards, streams and products
  • Settings including default currency, capacity, contingency, work units, rounding

Only categories that have changed since the last deal update will appear.

Within each category is a list of items/values that have been added, modified or deleted since the last update:

  • New items will be imported automatically
  • Modified items will be updated automatically.
  • Deleted items can either be removed or mapped to an alternate resource (if available)

Click Update all to confirm the changes

The update deal window displays roles, rate cards and streams that have changed since the last update
The update deal window displays roles, rate cards and streams that have changed since the last update

Deleted resources

When a deal resource has been deleted at the space level, you have two options:

  1. Delete estimates (default). This will remove all references to the resource from your estimates.
  2. Map to another resource. This will display a list of available resources of the same type. Roles and streams can be mapped to each other. Products can only be mapped to products with the same unit and period.

Deleted resource
Deleted resource

No changes found

Sometimes update deal window can't find any changes to display. This happens when something has changed that doesn't impact the price or presentation of the deal - such as reordered resources, or values that were changed back again to the previous value.

In this case, it is safe to update.

No changes dialog
No changes dialog